Star Wars: The Cestus Deception

Barnes, Steven


The Confederacy is trying to get its hands on some very special battle droids, and the Republic is determined to stop them, so Obi-Wan Kenobi is sent to the planet Ord Cestus, manufacturer of the droids. His mission: diplomacy. But if diplomacy doesn't work, he will use any means a Jedi can to help keep these potentially super-dangerous weapons out of enemy hands. And diplomacy can't work. Someone is pulling the manufacturing planet's strings--someone with an agenda all his or her own, which can't allow for either side to win control. As Obi-Wan and Jedi Master Kit Fisto uncover the secret plans layer by layer, Obi-Wan learns just how much he can trust a clone warrior...and just how reprehensible war can be, especially in the face of true honour.

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