Nigella Bites

Lawson, Nigella


Nigella is now not only the best and most glamorous young home cook in Britain, and a great cookery writer, she's also become a household name. Her first short series on Channel 4 had over 2 million viewers and propelled her from success into stardom. How to Eat sold spectacularly on the back of the first unheralded 5-part series.

Nigella Bites is a must-have for every viewer and all her fans. Some recipes are based on her popular Vogue columns, others are new and different, and all are characteristic of Nigella and the ethos of the TV series - uncomplicated, original, fresh, and perfect for the way we live today. They're easy to produce after a busy day at the office, fun to linger over at weekends or to make with the kids, delectable to read about, dreamy to look at and delicious to eat. They include Late Breakfasts, Party Food, TV Dinners, Trailer Trash , Big Lunches, Indoor Picnics, and other delights. Nigella wants her readers and her viewers to enjoy eating and cooking. With her, how could anyone resist!

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