Ageless Vegan

McQuirter, Tracye , McQuirter, Mary


Harness the healing power of plant-based foods for vibrant health and longevity

Vegan lifestyle expert Tracye McQuirter teams up with her mother Mary to share their secrets for maintaining radiant health for more than 30 years (hint: it's all in the greens), and 100 of their favorite plant-based recipes that have kept them looking and feeling ageless. They break down the basics of nutrition, how to build a vegan pantry, and how to make sure you're getting the best nutrients to promote longevity and prevent chronic disease. They also provide a 14-step guide with practical, easy-to-follow advice on how to transition to vegan foods, jumpstart your healthy eating habits, and how to up your game if you're already a vegan. Their 100 fresh, simple, and flavorful recipes are based on everyday whole food ingredients, including Maple French Toast with Strawberries, Thai Coconut Curry Soup, Cajun Quinoa with Okra and Tomato, Vegetable Pot Pie, Citrusy Dandelion Greens Salad, and Perfect Pecan Pie. Illustrated with beautiful, full-color photographs, Ageless Vegan helps you kiss diet-related disease and fatigue goodbye and gives you the information, inspiration, and affirmation you need to live a long, glowing, and healthy life you love.

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