Dr. Cocktail

Ott, Alex


Organic chemist and master mixologist Alex Ott distills his homeopathic and flavor-pairing expertise into delectable, mood-altering cocktails for every occasion. Want to relieve stress, boost energy, or just make an amazing drink? Dr. Cocktail has your fix.

Dr. Cocktail features 50 spirited infusions designed to stimulate your mind and body -- or just impress your date. In addition to spirits, the author uses natural, accessible ingredients such as fresh fruit, herbs, and spices. Examples include lavender and chamomile to fight insomnia; damiana tea for libido boost; and fennel-and-lemon infusions to reduce stress. Even if you'd like a perfect cocktail without the alcohol, there are some spirits free drinks, making this book suitable for most every occasion or condition.

Set up in an easy-to-follow format, Dr. Cocktail is perfect for casual social occasions and also provides a collection of intriguing new concoctions for professional mixologists. Fully illustrated with color photography, this is a beautiful and unique book of cocktails that readers will turn to again and again.

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