Sindiwe na Zwinainai

Pienaar, Cherene


Ho vhuya ha vha na mu?we musidzana we a vha a tshi pfi Sindiwe Magona. O vha a na mpho yo khetheaho ya zwi?ori. Vhusiku, makhulu wa musidzanyana Sindiwe vho vha vha tshi mu vhudza zwi?ori zwi mangadzaho zwa nga ma?ithu na miswon?a, phukha dza ?aka, na zwivhumbwa zwi?uku zwa ?akani. Hetshi tsho vha tshi tshifhinga tshine Sindiwe a tshi funesa.Vhonani uri u aluwa hani a tshi wanulusa miloro yawe musi a tshi tshimbila a tshi wela na malwanzhe u itela u shandukisa ?ifhasi nga zwi?ori zwawe.

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