The Flavour Thesaurus

Segnit, Niki


Ever wondered why one flavour works with another? Or lacked inspiration
for what to do with a bundle of beetroot? The Flavour Thesaurus is the
first book to examine what goes with what, pair by pair.

The book follows the form of Roget's Thesaurus. The back section lists,
alphabetically, 99 popular ingredients, and suggests classic and less
well known flavour matches for each. The front section contains an
entry for every flavour match listed in the back section and is
organised into 16 flavour themes such a Bramble & Hedge, Green
& Grassy, and Earthy. There are 980 entries in all, with 200 recipes and suggestions embedded in the text.

It covers classic pairings such as pork & apple, lamb &
apricot, and cucumber & dill; contemporary favourites like
chocolate & chilli, and goat's cheese &
beetroot; and interesting but unlikely-sounding couples including black
pudding & chocolate, lemon & beef, blueberry & mushroom,
and watermelon & oyster.

Beautifully packaged, The Flavour Thesaurus is not only a highly
useful, and covetable, reference book that will immeasurably improve
your cooking - it's the sort of book that might keep you up at night

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